Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Why Hello Cycle #3

Last night we had our baseline Ultrasound.  It's the ultra sound to get a new cycle started, and to see if my ovaries were doing good.  You know, no cysts, good size, making sure the drugs aren't doing any destruction in there.   Our appointment was at 5 p.m.  and due to traffic here in glorious California, we needed to leave by 3:45 in order to get out to Fontana in enough time.  We were leaving right when traffic gets bad.  So we get there, and we end up waiting another hour to be seen.  We were finally seen at 6 p.m.  This time, I had written down a bunch of questions that I wanted to ask this time.  So we were ready.  My Dr. comes in and she apologizes for being late, and she acknowledged the fact that this was our 3rd round and she said she was sorry.  I really appreciated that.  So much.  I just love our Dr. It's really a team of a guy and a gal, but they are both so great and they take the time even when they are over an hour behind to talk with you and get your questions answered.  It's refreshing through this tedious process.  
So we finish up the ultra sound, and because we were discussing questions, I wasn't paying attention to the Ultrasound screen.  I finally asked, how do they look?  She said, your right one looks great, but I couldn't even find your left one.  HUH?  I've had issues with my left one, Her and I need to have a talk. Normally they have to push on my stomach area over my ovary and prod pretty hard to find it.  She knew this, but didn't want to put me through it.  She then said get dressed and I'll meet you out there.  
We get out to the nurses station and we start talking.  She's going over my past history over the last couple months and is looking over my test results.  I thought it was strange, but I liked that she was taking the time to make sure of things.  Then she drops the bomb.  She said, based on one of my tests results way back when, and based upon what shes sees being as my left ovary isn't up to par.  She basically thinks I have 35 year old ovaries, not 29 year old year old ovaries.  It's called Premature Ovarian Aging. You can read more about it here.  
I had asked her what our next step was when we were in the room, and she said she really wants to up my dose of Clomid from 100mg to 150mg.  And she wants to add a shot of Menopur on Sunday.  It's supposed to up the amount of eggs I produce.  Since I only have basically one functioning ovary, I was totally on board.  This isn't to say that I will have 5 kids.  No, it's bascially going to give me 2 to 3 eggs instead of 1 or 2.  Not a big deal.  We are basically saying God, we will take what you give us.  
To make the night more awesome, we went to the pharmacy that was down stairs, not the one we normally go to because it was closed.  Basically my Dr. forgot to put in the order for the Menopur and forgot to update my Clomid dose.  So now we wait to hear from someone today about when I can get the rest of those meds.  

Needless to say, our 3.5 hour Dr. Appt was all worth it.  I might not have had the best attitude about it, but I thank God for Justin every day.  If I didn't have him there, my world wouldn't spin right. God sure knew what He was doing when Justin's and I's world collided.  
Here's to round 3! 

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