So you have read how Justin and I met, and all my woes about having a baby. After keeping our promise to God and a promise to ourselves to wait 5 years to have kids, and to diligently get out of debt, we finally gave ourselves the green light in September of 2012. We would be coming up on our 5 year anniversary come August 2013 and we thought the timing was perfect, but God had a much different plan.
After trying for a couple months and we weren't pregnant, a friend recommended I try an ovulation predictor kit to see when I was exactly ovulating. After the first month came and went with a negative result, I tried the next month with the same results. So I decided to try one more time. I still was getting a negative result. We then decided to go to the doctor and they proceeded to tell us we had to be trying a year before they would refer us to the infertility clinic. OYE!!! At 10 months, I had had enough. I knew something wasn't right with my body and I pushed for it. My Dr. finally gave me a referral but she was confident they wouldn't take us. So I called and the nurse told me the same thing, I had to wait 12 months then they could see me. I then told her the results of my Ovulation kits, and she told me to hold on while she went and talked with the DR. She immediately got back on the phone and said the DR wanted to see us asap. Oh my gosh! Seriously????? What an answer to prayers and such a relief!
So we finally have our first appt and she gets all of our history and talks with us. Then she sends us on our way to do mountains of blood work on both of us. Our follow up appointment showed that not only was I having problems, but Justin was too. He had a semen analysis and it wasn't good. It could have been from his accident and narcotics, it maybe wasn't the case. Justin immediately took himself off the narcotics for his pain and was put on a much milder pain med. Which helped some, but we still needed and IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). I had a case where I wasn't ovulating but I was having a period. Which in turn meant I wasn't producing mature follicles (eggs).
I was put on Clomid 100 mg for 5 days, cycle day 3-7. Then I would have to take a trigger shot which would allow my body to ovulate. The first month I only produced 1 egg. Needless to say, it didn't work and so we did another round. Month #2: Same meds, same days, same trigger shot. I produced 2 eggs, but still no dice. Month #3: She up'd my meds from 100mg of Clomid to 150 mg as well as 175 mg of a Menopur shot. Then the trigger shot. I also had to start DHEA because she found out that my ovaries seemed older than I was, which means they weren't as healthy as they should be. This month was the hardest month emotions wise. The meds were messing with my hormones as they should be, but it was sending me into rageful fits and I just wasn't myself.
I was now in my two week waiting period to see if I was pregnant. I was supposed to test on a Sunday, but me and my stubbornness and lack of patience, started testing way earlier than I should. I woke up in the early morning, around 5 am, and I just had this small voice telling me to test today. I laid there for a little bit and finally got up and tested in the bathroom. As I was waiting and doing my thing, I glance over and I saw a slight line pop up. I thought it was just the lighting, but as I stood up I thought I was going to fall over. There was a line! I immediately ran into Justin to wake him up. This is 10 days after our IUI procedure! 10 days! I tell him he needs to come to the bathroom immediately. In his dazed, sleepy state he staggers into the bathroom and I show him and ask him if he sees a line? He said he surely did, and we hugged. I was in to much shock still and with the procedure we did and the drugs, there was always room for a false positive. So I called and left a message to tell them what I had discovered that morning. I went in for a blood test that same day and had to have one 24 hours after that. Sure enough the numbers were accurate and they more than doubled. It was the best feeling in the world!
We finally got our miracle. We know so many people right now going through infertility, it breaks my heart. Not everyone is choosing the route we did, and everyone has different lengths of time they are dealing with this. Being labeled INFERTILE is horrible and anyone who has to deal with it, I'm sorry. No matter how long your journey, or how you finally get pregnant or have a baby by other means (adoption), your story is your own and it's real. Modern medicine is amazing, and so it homeopathic ways of doing things. We felt God wanted us to do it this way, and so we did. I will never regret our decisions to get to the point. I'm forever grateful for God's timing and what that looks like. I will forever be grateful to the Kaiser Fontana Infertility Clinic for what they have given Justin and I with their help. I will forever be reminded of God's goodness and Mercy through this process.
If you are going through infertility, please don't loose hope. God has a plan for you. Trust in Him, and keep your eyes fixed on His promises. Know that His timing is everything and ours is nothing.
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