Monday, October 7, 2013

Our 2nd IUI, WARNING! Some parts are TMI

Hey All,

So yesterday we had our 2nd IUI done.  I was feeling pretty good going into it.  We were both really tired since we had to get up at 5:45 am, but were ready for it.  So we get there about 7:20 ish, and Justin has to go do his thing.  After that is done and over with, we head out to find a place to eat breakfast.  We found this really good and cheap restaurant and it was diner style and I had biscuits and gravy and Justin had french toast.  It was delish! So we head back to the hospital for our appt that is at 9 am, and we literally are just waiting around.  They were super busy! (i've never been there on a Sunday, but I was surprised by how many people were there! I guess mother nature waits for no day of the week!)  We get seen about 20 minutes after our appt time.   This time, it was a different doctor who did the IUI, and I must say I feel differently about this one.  Mainly because he did it differently then the other doctor.  He actually waited for a minute before he pulled the catheter out after insemination.  I thought, okay.  This is good.  Without going into gross details, I just felt like it stuck better.  I don't know if that makes any sense.   So we waited for 10 minutes and then packed up and headed home.
We were both feeling really tired as the day before we had also woken up pretty early (4:30am) to get going on the Men's Breakfast Justin was having at church.  When we got home we actually fell asleep for a while and then got up and ate, and literally went back to sleep until around 4.  Then we met some of our awesome friends, Jerry and Fran, for dinner at T-Phillips and had a blast just chattin it up with them.

Overall, it was a great weekend.  I feel pretty good about the process this month, and honestly, I'm just giving it to God at this point.  He knows the desire of our hearts and where we are at.  He sees us and knows us.

That's it for we are in our two week wait! Hopefully it will go by fast!

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