Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Well hello everyone! I hope your holidays were wonderful and fantastic and spent with amazing friends and family and focused on the High King! As our family is winding down from the fun that was had, we are starting to get further along with the baby! I'm officially 11 weeks as of this past Saturday! I had a doctor's appt.  today and was feeling nervous because my symptoms had changed so much.  I wasn't really feeling pregnant aside from nausea, sore lady's, headaches, and extreme fatigue.  I used to be able to actually feel that I was pregnant way down there.  So I asked the nurse if we could just get a heartbeat, and she kindly responded with, Of Course! You get an ultrasound today too! ahhhhh! I was so happy! So baby is healthy, happy, and squirming like you wouldn't believe! We have another ultra sound next week as well.  I'm so thankful for Kaiser.  They have amazing people working for them, and the way they do things is phenomenal!

We met our midwife today and I'm absolutely in love with her.  Her name is Diane, but she prefers you to call her D.   She is kind, and warm, and so informational.  God def knew what He was doing in this.  I will soon meet my new Doc soon, but until then, I'm just beyond grateful! Justin really loved her too, so that was so great.  I'm super healthy! I have actually lost 5 pounds due to the nausea I've been having, and causing me to not really eat very much.  It's okay! I'm starting out heavier, so it won't hurt the baby to loose some pounds.   I'm walking on average 2-3 times a week and I'm hoping when I get some more energy I will be able to get more days in.  My dr explained something to Justin and I today that made sense because I just can't understand why I'm so tired.  Basically you have sleep depths, as we all know, 1-2 is considered where you dream and relatively light sleeping.  You can wake up to anything at this stage.  3-4 is your deep sleep where your body can repair itself and heal, and give you your best rest and you will feel rested.  Pregnant women only sit at a 1-2.  They don't go into 3-4 but on rare occasion. all makes sense! Last night i woke up around 3 am and couldn't go back to sleep until i got ready for work.  I'm a very light sleeper these days.  I feel so bad for Justin, because I am tossing and turning, ALOT! Thankful that he is on disability still and can catch up during the day as his body is still healing itself.

I'm loving the process of being pregnant.  I love knowing that half my world is inside me.  Justin is my other half.  It's just a special thing.  I will be forever grateful to God that he is making me a mommy.  Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers! They are so appreciated! We love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! 11 weeks!! Can't believe that's how far along you are already. And what an answer to prayer on your midwife. It's all coming together in God's perfect plan. Love you friend!
