Today I write with a heavy heart. No we haven't heard any news, but I also feel very heavy today. I write because it's therapy for me. I write to feel like I can put it out there without feeling like I am burdening someone else with my problems. I don't want to be THAT woman. I write to put my heart on my sleeve. I write....because I love to.
I want to TRUST God. I want to be able to say that I, with reckless abandoned, TRUST God 110%. But the truth of the matter is, I don't. And It's not that God is not trust worthy, and it's not like He has EVER done anything to loose my trust. I, as a human being, feel like I can't trust in God's promises. Being a Christian is so hard. Walking and trusting and believing blindly, is a hard impossible thing to do. It's like if I were to drive a car while being blind, it is IMPOSSIBLE! I would crash and die.
Looking to the One who is our Healer, our Leader, the Lover of our soul is so hard when things get so hard. Some days I just don't even want to get out of bed. Some days I want to just throw my hands up and scream. Some days, I want to just give up. I think about what Trust really is and what is really means. It's within me. It's how I choose to live my life according to what the Bible says. I choose to Trust in those words. I choose to Love God. And I Fail on all those every. single. day. I know He will always be there without fail. He is omnipresent. It's my lack of Faith in him to trust Him.
That is pretty heavy.
That is not something any Christian wants to openly admit. But in all honesty? Its real.
Being a Christian means to constantly find connection with our maker. To openly cry out for help when your storm is raging. To TRUST, that God will pull you through and you won't sink. I want to have that Trust. I try to seek Him everyday. To Trust Him more and more everyday. But there will be days when I just can't. And that is okay. God loves me for who I am. I am a Sinner. I am human. I'm super lame sometimes. I will always go back. I will always seek him.
God PROMISES to never leave us. He has so many wonderful promises that reassure me everyday. In my human nature, I want to push away and not believe those promises. The enemy wants us to not believe them. He wants us so far away from Trusting God, that we push away. I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED.
I want to be so in love with God, that my soul yearns for Him. I want to be moved by God. He is everything. He's all I want, all I need, and that, is ENOUGH.
We are in the midst of a pretty heavy, rocky storm. There are so many elements being thrown into our storm, that I feel like the sun will never rise. But I am going to CHOOSE to trust God in bringing us through them. I am going to CHOOSE to have that Faith like a child to be able to see clearly what God wants for our lives. He is the maker, healer, provider for all of our needs. I choose to love Him with reckless abandoned. He is my everything. He is my God. He is my HOPE.
Picture from worshipgifs.tumblr