Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It's been to long.

I realized I haven't been blogging as of late.  I love to write and I have been feeling like I have been missing something.  WRITING!

I just wanted to give a big disclaimer since I'm at the beginning of this pregnancy.  If I talk about how I'm feeling or things that are happening to me, it's not because I want to complain or that I am complaining.  I just want to document everything that is happening.  This is something that is beautiful and I can't believe it's happening to me! I was chosen to take care of one of God's children.  I"m excited to see where it leads and who I come across on this journey of motherhood.

The last two weeks, since I found out I was pregnant, I have been SO crampy.   They come and go, and the intensity comes and goes.  My Dr. said that it is fine, and to use a heating pad.  Well, I'm not comfortable using a heating pad, so a friend of mine who experienced the same thing, said to take a warm bath.  I'm good with that! I have also been experiencing headaches.  I had one right before we found out and I had to go home from work because of it, and then I had one yesterday that sent me home.  Since I can't take anything and I'm prone to migraines,  sleep in a dark room is the only thing that will kick it out.  I'm fortunate to have a very understanding boss, who is very family oriented and has already given me a lecture about taking it easy and resting and not lifting and take my vitamins.....He's great! I know he's on board 100% with this pregnancy.  Makes my life so much easier! I'm also STARVING! Like FEED ME NOW! lol.

I really can't complain at all.  I have it pretty easy.  No nausea, (knock on wood!)  I am really tired, but that is perfectly normal.

We feel extremely blessed by this whole process, but are nervous.  I think every new parent feels that way.  We are continuing to pray for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy delivery and most important a healthy baby.  Thank you for your prayers and being apart of such a bigger picture with us!

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