Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It's been to long.

I realized I haven't been blogging as of late.  I love to write and I have been feeling like I have been missing something.  WRITING!

I just wanted to give a big disclaimer since I'm at the beginning of this pregnancy.  If I talk about how I'm feeling or things that are happening to me, it's not because I want to complain or that I am complaining.  I just want to document everything that is happening.  This is something that is beautiful and I can't believe it's happening to me! I was chosen to take care of one of God's children.  I"m excited to see where it leads and who I come across on this journey of motherhood.

The last two weeks, since I found out I was pregnant, I have been SO crampy.   They come and go, and the intensity comes and goes.  My Dr. said that it is fine, and to use a heating pad.  Well, I'm not comfortable using a heating pad, so a friend of mine who experienced the same thing, said to take a warm bath.  I'm good with that! I have also been experiencing headaches.  I had one right before we found out and I had to go home from work because of it, and then I had one yesterday that sent me home.  Since I can't take anything and I'm prone to migraines,  sleep in a dark room is the only thing that will kick it out.  I'm fortunate to have a very understanding boss, who is very family oriented and has already given me a lecture about taking it easy and resting and not lifting and take my vitamins.....He's great! I know he's on board 100% with this pregnancy.  Makes my life so much easier! I'm also STARVING! Like FEED ME NOW! lol.

I really can't complain at all.  I have it pretty easy.  No nausea, (knock on wood!)  I am really tired, but that is perfectly normal.

We feel extremely blessed by this whole process, but are nervous.  I think every new parent feels that way.  We are continuing to pray for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy delivery and most important a healthy baby.  Thank you for your prayers and being apart of such a bigger picture with us!

Monday, November 18, 2013


If you don't already know, we shared some much long awaited news with the world this weekend! We are pleased to announce that baby Gerhart will arrive in late July 2014!  We are thrilled and couldn't be happier! 
We have prayed so hard for this and have had so many people, people we don't even know even, pray for us.  We are SO thankful and grateful.  We couldn't have gone through this process without all of you and your support and prayers! We are so blessed beyond anything we could ever deserve.  
Praying for a healthy, happy pregnancy!

Monday, November 4, 2013

One year later

I was sitting at my desk this morning at work, and I started to think how fast this year has gone by, especially the last 5 months.  As we finished up October and head into November, I'm reminded that one year ago, we started our TTC journey.  Well actually we started at the beginning of October.  After going through 3 months of Fertility meds, pokes and stabs, emotions and tears, I'm not really sure how I feel.  I feel like I'm just going through the motions of the process.  Like I've stated in previous posts, I'm so thankful for the process.  I've learned that I'm a pessimistic person.  Someone I never wanted to be.  It could be that we've been through 2 months and no results and currently waiting for our 3rd.  I want to stay hopeful and I want to be peppy about it, and so far, I think I have been.  It has taken every fiber in my being to do so, but I did it.  As of today, I'm feeling pretty negative about it all.  It's never going to work, I feel like I'm not pregnant this month(mind you, it's only been 3 days since our IUI).  I want to be joyful and happy and optimistic because that is the person I want to be.  Then, my feelings and emotions start to take over, and I sink.  It's not causing me to tidal wave into depression again, but I just feel defeated.  I know the enemy wants that from me.  I know he wants me to feel sad, and depressed, and defeated.  This week I will find Joy.  Going through ups and down's is not fun.  Being consistent is great and needed.  It's kinda been my life being an adult those up's and down's emotionally.  Sometimes it's easier to just ignore it, so I do.  Despite all my up's and down's one thing I know for sure, God loves me, He hears me, He knows my heart, and even though I might not always cry out to Him, He's always there holding me in his hands.