Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week 2 weigh in.....

So last night I went and did my official Jenny Craig weigh in.  I lost another 2.6 lbs.   She also told me she is worried that I'm loosing weight to fast.  I'm thinking....NO! We shall see what this week brings.  I have consistently lost 9 lbs for the last 3 days.  So i'm sticking with that number.

I am switching my weigh in day to Saturdays, so it will be a  short week of weighing in.  I'm feeling really good and know I can get a grip on my shakes and my feeling hungry.  It will be a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I am so super duper proud of you!!! You are doing awesome love! Just don't be a stubborn pants and make sure you listen to your JC coach, A healthy amount of weight to lose per week is 1-2 lbs. If you don't it will work against you and you will gain it back faster, be more likely to binge, and you can affect your metabolism adversely. I know we don't want none of that!!!! You go girl, take it a healthy step at a time. You are rock solid.

    Steel. Blue Steel.
