This post will be 2 parts about working out and jogging, and baby stuff.
A few weeks ago, Justin had made me a promise to buy me a gym membership of my choice if I committed to 3 days a week for 4 weeks of walking/joggin. I'm starting my 4th week and so far so good. My second week in I was only able to do 2 days so I have to add it in somewhere this week. I'm really enjoying the time to myself and I'm learning a lot of who I am, how I am, how I process things. I haven't looked at myself like this in a while.
I had my first ah ha moment a week ago, Sat. It was a moment indeed. You know, the one where you are jogging and a really awesome song comes on that empowers you like nothing else. I started to sprint towards the end of my jog and I was listening to Katy Perry's "Roar" and I just had tears coming down my face. I felt proud, I felt empowered, I knew I could do this. It felt amazing. There was a time when I thought I couldn't and I told myself that. I know it's hard, don't get me wrong, but my body is loving me for it and I know I will be a healthier me in the long run. Starting the C25K was a great choice and it is so much easier to job for a minute than just going at it wondering how long you've been jogging. I'm so lagging this week, mostly because my week got rearranged last minute. It will be good and I'm going to stay positive if my body can hold up. I'm going through some pretty physical stuff this week.
I had my first ah ha moment a week ago, Sat. It was a moment indeed. You know, the one where you are jogging and a really awesome song comes on that empowers you like nothing else. I started to sprint towards the end of my jog and I was listening to Katy Perry's "Roar" and I just had tears coming down my face. I felt proud, I felt empowered, I knew I could do this. It felt amazing. There was a time when I thought I couldn't and I told myself that. I know it's hard, don't get me wrong, but my body is loving me for it and I know I will be a healthier me in the long run. Starting the C25K was a great choice and it is so much easier to job for a minute than just going at it wondering how long you've been jogging. I'm so lagging this week, mostly because my week got rearranged last minute. It will be good and I'm going to stay positive if my body can hold up. I'm going through some pretty physical stuff this week.
Baby Stuff::::
I have my first appointment tomorrow for an internal ultra sound to check how my eggs are doing. That ultra sound will be the determining factor for Clomid, as it's my understanding of how it all works. I'm feeling nervous and anxious and just all around unsure of the whole process as I have never been through this.
I find myself praying randomly throughout the day for peace and comfort. I pray for the child that will result of all this long processing and that he/she will be perfect in every way God has intended them to be. I pray for guidance, that we will be able to do our best at showing who God is and the abounding love that only He can bring. I keep praying for patience through this process and I keep asking to feel God around me. I keep thanking Him everyday for strength and His love and His promises to us.
The next couple of weeks are going to be rough....there will be a lot of anxiousness and praying and seeking. I love that despite all of this going on, I get to walk this journey with Justin. I wouldn't ask for it any other way.