Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hello 2013!

So far 2013 has been a great year! We've been to a wedding, we've been on vacation to Seattle, we've seen lots of family and will continue to see lots of family.  One big thing for us that will be happening this year is.....We will be OUT OF DEBT! yup you heard right! I think i'm the most excited for that one.  It has been a 4 1/2 year process of getting out of debt for us.  Yup it's taken us a long time, but we did it! We survived lost jobs, sickness, and health throughout the last almost 5 years.  It's been a crazy ride, but we wouldn't have it any other way!

We are also making, or trying to make some huge adjustments in our day to day lives.  We started tithing this year for the first time in our marriage.  Why do I put it out there??? It's not something people talk about a whole lot, but seeing as we haven't done it for so long and we are just now starting to, calls for some rejoicing.  Here's why........We are still tight. We are not out of the woods financially yet.  We have to trust God that He will provide for us, despite us giving money to Him that we could be building our savings with and aren't.  I want to give it all to God, but I know we can't.  We have to live, but I know the importance of giving and sacrificing.  I want God to know I'm serious about giving him the reins.  I want to let go and let Him take charge of our lives.  For both Justin and I, this goes beyond stretching ourselves, its stretching ourselves spiritually as well.  I'm sure tithing is just that for most of you.  We are learning about margin right now at church. It's so eye opening and has really started to resound with Justin and myself.  I think of all the not responsible ways we are spending our money and what are we giving to God to further His kingdom... nothing....until yesterday when we started to tithe.  I actually feel peace about the whole thing.

We are starting to eat healthy and we are going to start jogging so that we can do a 5K in June.  We are determined to get in shape and get healthy and make the gym a part of our daily routine. It's definitely a struggle for myself.  I struggle with my mood and being in my head.  It's more about actually going through the process of something and being around other people.  Feeling like I might just fail the bar that I've raised so high for myself.  I know I just need to stop and just do it, but I just get so defeated which makes me feel so so weak.  It's a new year and a new day, I will take each one, one at a time. 

There's so much in this year that I want to accomplish.  I want to be a better, more intentional version of myself...which means saying yes to more of the good things in my life, and not just saying no because it sounds scary or its out of my comfort zone.  Being more intentional with my kindness and my words.  Making sure my words aren't affecting someone negatively.  It's super hard to make these changes, oh I know.  These are goals that I'm setting for myself.  Something that I want to gradually move forward onto.  I guess apart of that is not letting people effect me as much as they do.   Part of me needs to guard my heart against negative things and people.  Time for some positive pants, size everlasting! Yup, I'll take 10 pairs of those, thanks! 

I want to grow with God.  I want to be at a place where I feel good about my relationship with God and not constantly wondering if I'm okay with him.  I want to feel confident and connected.  That will only come from me.  I know that.  I need to find great ways to connect with him.  I find myself tearing up while I'm driving because I'm so thankful for everything that God has given Justin and I.  I find myself, in the midst of complaining(which I do ALOT) or just feeling really down in the dumps about our situation, that God has us right where HE wants us.  We are in "OUR" situation for a reason.  I might not always know what that is, BUT He is good and He is good all of the time. 

Another one of my goals for this year is to do more crafts.  It it is my outlet.  Creating things for my home or other people.  I would really love to start making birthday presents and such for others and just see how crafty  I can be.  I love pinterest for that exact thing! Thank you who ever made are a genious!

I hope you all have had a fabulous start to the new year so far! Best wishes and may God bless you all greatly this year!


  1. Best of luck with all your resolutions Amber! I know how hard it is to stick to all of these things and have good intentions. Just take it day by day and do your best! Most of all, just know that God ADORES you and is never disappointed in you. All HE sees when he looks at you is pure Joy and Love, the way a husband sees his bride as she walks down the aisle. I am just a facebook message away if you ever need anything :)

    1. Thanks Jamie! Ahh Resolutions are my arch nemesis. i wonder why i even make them, then i remember how good it is to have goals. I think my problem is i don't hold goals at a very high standard or priority. I think because i make them, i can change them. My goals are constantly changing. Thanks for the uplift! You are awesome!

  2. You are amazing hun, so many good things ahead. Goals are wonderful - and you can attain every one of them, just believe in you as God and all of us do :)
