Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Letting GO.....

......Flat out truths about myself are to be exposed.........

Today I was sitting at my desk.... reading a friends blog who recently (like today) was featured on a blog as a guest, and I realized how much control I try to have over things I really shouldn't worry about and get upset and sick over.  I realize that there are a couple factors that go into this.

1.  My attitude...  A few years ago, my lovely mother-in-law gave us this amazing paper on attitude.  It's so true.  I just get so lazy and exhausted of life, that my attitude goes out the window.  I have so much room to improve my attitude, that I really need to start living the way God wants me to and be who He created me to be.
2.  Let Go, and Let God...I will admit that I have put no time in towards devotions, prayer time, and talking    to God about my worries and fears.   I have no real trust in my Heavenly Father, because I haven't worked at building that relationship to a solid foundation.  This is where I have always lacked due to      not having a solid relationship with God growing up.  Letting go and letting God, this is very difficult for me to do.  I know how easy it is, but it seems so hard.  I want this in my life, I just need to stop and take the time.  Life is crazy, but not crazy enough for God.  

3.  Talking more with my husband.... Once again my attitude gets in the way.  Being tired, at the end of the day I just want to sit in peace and be.  Not only do we just sit around and eat dinner but we just watch TV and then the important stuff comes up at bedtime, when we are exhausted, and then a fight pursues because we are SOOOOO tired.  One way we have started working on WALKING! We accomplish so much more, and we can walk and talk it out.  BUT!  We don't do it often enough....  

I have such an amazing life, and am given such amazing opportunities, I just weight myself down with my own worries and own insecurities. 

So I need a MAJOR attitude adjustment.  My outlook on life, my emotions towards my job, my husband, my home life, how I live my life, how I serve my GOD, how I TRUST my GOD.

***Please don't get the wrong impression of me... I love God, I love my husband. There are just things in my life I feel I need to be real about in order to work on them.  There are many aspects of my life that need work.  I want to go to heaven and be told " Well done my good and faithful servant," by the One who I serve.***

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lake Arrowhead!

This past Friday, Justin and I headed up to Lake Arrowhead for a family mini vacation! It was so relaxing! We had some good times just chillin' like villains and being with each other.  We stayed in a beautiful 8 bedroom house and we also had access to the UCLA  Conference Center.  Which meant, we got to use the Facilities! Beach on the lake, pool, oodles of things to do!
Mostly, we just hung out! Justin and I took a jaunt over to Big Bear Lake on Sunday afternoon, where his Aunt and Uncles usually stays up there on the weekends during the summer months.

We loved being able to spend time with Amy's, my sister in law, parents as well.  They were able to come up and be with us and we also were able to celebrate Kay's 61st birthday! It was such a great time, and the boys had some good bonding time.  I love when Justin gets to hang out with my brother, because I have always thought Matt and Amy wise.  I have always received such sounds advice from them, but most of all I really cherish it from my brother Matt.  So the boys played with their race cars and had some good "man time."

Overall awesome weekend! It was perfect weather, perfect scenery, and perfect time.