Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Body by Vi....Fail.

Hey All!

Sorry it's been a minute since I've last posted, but here I am.  (Yes, I did just use some very Ghetto slang).  Welcome to my world all! As you all know I started the 90 day challenge a couple weeks ago.  I was doing really well on it, and I was actually loving it, but then I started having headaches every single day and my stomach was getting pretty upset.  I felt like I had a pit in my stomach everyday.   Not to mention, I gained 2 lbs in the process.  So needless to say I ended my relationship with Body by Vi 12 days into my challenge.  The day after into the next day after that, I started to feel so much better! Headaches were gone, my stomach finally felt better  and I lost the 2 lbs.  Not sure what the deal was, but I know that MY body didn't like it.

So now i'm back on my way to being a healthy, independent, machine! I know I can choose foods that will be good for me and that will sustain me.  I just have to drink my water and eat my fruits and veggies.  I'll just go back to what I know! And what worked.

I'm tired of disappointment being a set back or discouragement.  I will no longer let those things effect me.  I'm the only one that can get what I want the most of this life.  I have complete control over, besides God.

I feel confident in myself to do these goals that I so desperately want to achieve.  It will be a slow process...Weight doesn't just come of like butter....but i know in the long run, my body will love me for it!


  1. Girl! There ain't nothing wrong with being REAL with your body and yourself! I'm proud of you for assessing, moving forward, and sticking to healthy choices for you!! Keep up the positivity and the focus! You have a big benchmark already under your belt. You can totally do this!

  2. I started my weightloss journey again as well. I finally got to the point where I realized the gimicky diets aren't for me, it's just impossible to stick with them long term. My diet is very simple. No sugar (except for special occasions) and no white flour. I also try to work out at least a half hour five days a week. It's healthy, I lose about 2 pounds a week. I want to be healthy for the long haul not just for a year. I wish you the best of luck and hope you also find what works best for you :)
