Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Half Dome

So as I'm contemplating how i'm going to about getting motivation to really truly get back into shape, I was reading an article on how a famous athlete gets motivation after an injury/ any kind of set back.  I realized through reading this article, that I need to simply focus on one goal.
Yes, this is how you climb the infamous Half Dome.  My close friend Megan climbed it with our other good friend Sophie and I think she said it took them 12 hours! Ummm.....what?   12 HOURS? YES! I think this sounds like a challenge.  I think I just might have to do this.

So my goal is going to be to climb Half Dome next year when Justin and I go to Yosemite with Kathy and Andrew in June 2012.   Now, I realize this is an all day thing, but I really want to have an accomplishment in my life in the physical activity world.  I think this will help me get to my goal, of being the healthy I want to be.  I want to just feel good.  I'm starting to be put on so many med's, and different antics that I'm scared because I'm way to young for all of this.  I can do this! I want to do this! I will not be fat and LIMITED my entire life! 


  1. I love the new digs!!! you and meg both have such cuteness going on!!!!
    Before you know it
    "I can" will become 'I will'
    Before you know it...
    'I will' will become ' I MUST'
    You're amazing!!!!!xoxoxoxoxoxooxxooxoxoxoxoxoxoo

  2. LOVE IT! This makes me happy and I totally wish that Mark and I could go with you guys for that adventure! You will all have such a good time!!!!!
    Yes it is a crazy tough hike, but you can do it, and you will feel beyond amazing when you get to the top. Keep in mind soph and I didnt go the last few hundred feet of the rope ladder cuz we were super tired and it kinda freaked us out. But just getting to the sub-dome was amazing and we felt very accomplished in doing so. I would reccomend working out on a stair stepper cuz the first 3 miles or so is all up really steep stone steps. Makes your thighs burn like whoa.

    Then after you have done the hike (whether you go up the rope part or not) you can go into the gift store and get one of many items that says you made it to the top of half dome. Im happy to give you all some pointers about the hike so you know what to expect, but i think it is a great goal!! Keep working towards it my love!

  3. YEA! Thanks ladies! Trying to just really change my attitude. FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. THat is what has really been resounding with me these past two days. I just don't want to be the person i'm becoming. I refuse to become that. Love you guys!
