One of my newest favorite things that make my <3 just got pitter pat, is
I have been so inspired and have really started dreaming and using my imagination again. My crafty side is coming out again, and it really make me feel rejuvenated. I now feel like instead of buying something new, I can rejuvenate it with something!
My next favorite thing...is more really like a person. She is:
She has really become one of my favorite bloggers, and her food we have often in our household. Honestly the more I read her blog and get to know her, I feel like she is one of my gal pals and we talk about everything and she totally get's my wacky ways..
I mean doesn't she just look like the nicest lady you have ever met in your life!
So with that being said, she really does make some amazing food! And to top it all, I really feel like I live on the ranch where she live. I know that' s a bit creepy, but it's the TRUTH!
Another thing that I absolutely love is what I like to call ocean breezeeeeeeeeeeeeee................
This past weekend we were celebrating my nephew Silas McCormick's dedication with the fam bam, and up where they live in Oxnard, they get the most delicious ocean breeze. It is rejuvenating and delicious. It makes me feel like this...
yup i feel like a reed swaying in the wind.......
I'll update you on my favorite things....but for now those are just some.