Saturday, July 13, 2013

Fridays appt

So to say that Fridays appointment went well, would be fair to say. What wouldn't be fair to say is how prepared I was for the pain of it. I'm pretty sure that was the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life. And I know that it probably won't be the last time I feel pain like that.
In all fairness, the test itself only took about 4 minutes. But let me explain what they do.....
You lay on an MRI machine table and  they basically prep you like you are going to have a pap done. Then she cleans you inside with iodine, and proceeds to stick a catheter with a camera all the way up. She then inflates a balloon and then starts to push the dye through to see if you are all clear. Through that process if feels like thousands of tiny needles or knives being pushed into you. 
She also put a monitor right in front of my face so I could see what was going on. But, I couldn't see through my blurred vision to even get a clear picture of what was going on.  I'm thankful it is done and over with and i never want to experience something like that again. I can still, 15 hours later, feel the achyness from it. She said everything Looks clear and fine and that my tubes looked on the small side but that they were good! Relief!!!!!!!!!

Now we have an appt scheduled for the 29th for a follow up of all the tests we have had to do. We will hopefully get a game plan then. 

Prayers are welcome. Gods plan is perfect and I can't wait to see it unravel.

1 comment:

  1. ugh -sorry it was so painful. :( But glad that, that part is over and done with now and that all looked good. Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us and being so vulnerable. We love you guys and are always praying for you! Keep letting us know what specifics we can be praying about. Love you!!
